Unemployability: A new catch word

Money – some may say that it is not everything in life, but we cannot ignore its importance. To have it, we have to earn it and to earn it most of the students in higher education seek for a job. Jobs always need different levels of skills according to its nature. With the growth of economy in our country the private sector generates enough jobs every year. But a new problem has come into existence for the educated youth “Unemployability”. It has been found out that even if one has the degrees, he or she is not able to grab the opportunity for lack of skills. This type of situation has created the phenomena of “unemployability”. In other words “not acceptable for employment as a worker”.
          For majority of students education means a ticket to employment. But when the job seekers have the eligibility criteria for a particular job, but are not competent to handle the job, they became “unemployable”. Even there are people who are “underemployed”- those have higher academic qualifications, but employed in lower ranks.
         With mushrooming of educational institutions, both general and technical, lack of quality education produces under qualified graduates. In some other cases the curriculums are outdated and are not suitable to train-up suitable work force. To overcome such problems the educational institutions need to employ qualified teachers and introduce more job oriented courses. Even industries should tie up themselves with educational institutions to mould courses in tune with their employment necessities. At the same time the students have to take education as a preparation for life and widen one’s knowledge to establish meaningful correlation between education and employment.
        “Unemployability” has posed a serious problem for Indian industries. Skilled work force is essential factor for growth of industrial economy. Efforts should be initiated to counter the problem otherwise it will result in the slow down the growth story of the country.


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