Refresher training programme for YRC counsellors organised

Bhubaneswar, Feb 5: A-three day state level refresher training programme for trained Youth Red Cross (YRC) counsellors has been organized by Indian Red Cross Society, Odisha State Branch (IRCS-OSB) at Red Cross Bhavan here that started from February 4.

Guests at Refresher Training Programme of YRC
The event will terminate tomorrow. About 64 YRC counsellors from 22 districts in Odisha have participated in the three-day event. The objective of the training programme is to refresh the activities and core areas of YRC with a view to strengthen its movement in the State.

Dr Ajay Kumar Nayak, Joint Secretary, Higher Education graced the inaugural session as the chief guest. Speaking on the occasion, Dr Nayak said, “The YRC counsellors should be inspired rather than doing Red Cross activities in routine duty so that true spirit of volunteerism will be explored within them.”

Dr. Chakradhar Panda, Secretary, YRC Odisha extended a warm welcome to all the guests & participants.  Dr. Panda highlighted various examples of disasters and climate change that has its impact on the mother earth. He also praised the emerging role of YRC counsellors for their remarkable contribution in Disaster Risk Reduction activities. He also opined that the counsellors can guide the Youth Red Cross volunteers in the right direction thereby inculcating in them a true sense of social responsibility and commitment to alleviate the suffering of most vulnerable groups of our society.

During the session Major Dr. Kalpana Das, Youth Red Cross Officer of IRCS-OSB explained the aim and objective of the training and suggested the present members to replicate the noble endeavors of Red Cross in their locality and colleges.

Dillip Routray, Officer on Special Duty (OSD) to Chief Secretary, presented a brilliant talk on “ABC of life” in the inaugural class which was highly appreciated by each and every participant.

During the programme, training will be imparted on history of Red Cross, fundamental principles, emblem of Red Cross and its use, awareness on HIV/AIDS and RRC activities, voluntary blood donation  by YRC and club-18, road safety and role of YRC, water wealth and sanitation, disaster risk reduction, climate change and safe campus, environment protection and role of YRC volunteers.


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