Central Trade unions’ staged rally protesting fulfillment of their 10-point charter demand
Protestors of BMS, INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC and
AICCTU holding party flags and banners participated in the rally in huge
number. They also submitted memorandum to the Governor SC Jamir regarding the
Outcome on the success of the two-day strike by all
central trade unions on February 20 and 21, 2013, the Prime Minister
constituted a Group of Ministers (GoM) to discuss and settle the 10-point
charter of demands jointly formulated by all the central trade unions in the
The first meeting between the central unions and the GoM
was held on May 22, 2013 where the unions had demanded concrete response to
their issues like minimum wage not less than of Rs 10,000, universal social
security cover for all workers, assured pension for the entire working
population, same wage and benefits for contract workers as regular workers for
same and similar work, strict implementation of Labour Laws, concrete measures
to contain price rise and employment generation, stoppage of disinvestment in
central and State PSUs, removal of all ceilings on payment and eligibility of
bonus, provident fund and compulsory registration of trade unions within a
period of 45 days.
Despite categorical announcement by the Prime Minister in
the 45th Indian Labour Conference about the justice of the demands and that
many of them are under advanced stage of consideration, the GoM, instead of
making any concrete response sought more time to study our demands and thus the
meeting ended without any concrete result, rued the protestors.
The protestors urge the Prime Minister to ensure that the
long pending demands are sorted out through dialogue between the Government and
the trade unions.
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