Health check-up of 141 contract labour of RSP organized

Rourkela, Nov 28: A Health check-up programme was organized for the contract labour working in Township area of Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) at the Town Engineering Conference Hall, recently.

141 contract labourers were covered in the programme where they were examined for different parameters such as height, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), vision test, blood pressure, random blood sugar, blood grouping, Hepatitis-B and general check up like hearing and pulse rate etc. The identified patients were also provided medicines free of cost.

The programme was jointly organized by Personnel-Contract Labour Cell with the help of Ispat General Hospital (IGH), ESI Model Hospital & ESIC Dispensary. Doctors and technicians from ESI Corporation & IGH conducted the tests.

It is noteworthy that the health check up programme for contract labour started in April 2013. Till date, 27 camps have been held, benefiting 6497 persons and in the current calendar year 1580 contract labour have been covered.


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