Inauguration of number of sub-stations at RSP

Rourkela, Nov 30: In order to provide power supply for the erection, commissioning and constant uninterrupted operation of the massive expansion projects of Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), a number of electrical installations have been set up.

The timely power supply from the three Load Block Sub-Stations namely LBSS-IV, LBSS-V and LBSS-VI to the New Coke Ovens battery– 6 Complex, New Blast Furnace– V, Ore Bedding and Blending Plant Phase-III and the New Sinter Complex, enabled the commissioning, stabilization and operations of these Units.

Recently all the erection jobs and automation commissioning including Auto Bus Transfer and complete communication of all feeders to centralized Power Distribution SCADA were completed by the collective efforts of the Projects and Power Distribution departments of RSP.

On 28th November, LBSS-IV 33/6.6 KV Sub-Station was inaugurated by AK Bihari, GM (Projects). This Sub-Station provides power to the New Coke Oven– 6 Complex including New CHP, Cove Oven Battery – 6, New CCD and CDCP and IPT.

LBSS-V 33/6.6 kV Sub-Station was inaugurated by P Sahoo, GM (Electrical), on the same day. This Sub-Station provides power to the New Blast Furnace– V (Durga) and its auxiliaries that are PCM, Stock House and IPT.

Subsequently on the same day, the LBSS-VI 33/6.6 KV Sub-Station was inaugurated by U Mishra, GM In-charge (Electrical and Power). This Sub-Station provides power to the Ore Bedding and Blending Plant Phase-III, New Sinter Complex comprising SP – II and SP – III and IPT.

All the three inaugurations were attended by many senior officers and employees of the respective areas.


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