RSP bagged first prize in National Energy Conservation Award-2015

Rourkela, Dec 14: Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), a unit of the Maharatna Company-SAIL has bagged the first prize in “National Energy Conservation Award 2015” in Integrated Steel Plant sector for the fiscal 2014-15.

The award was presented on the National Energy Conservation Day by the Ministry of Power, Government of India, in a glittering function held at Vigyan Bhawan of New Delhi on December 14. The function was presided over by Piyush Goyal, Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Power, Coal and Non Renewable energy. On behalf of RSP, the award was received by P Sahoo, GM (Electrical) and P K Baisakhiya, DGM (EMD).

It is worth mentioning here that in its endeavour to conserve energy, RSP has taken a number of initiatives recently. As a result, the overall specific energy consumption in the plant has come down from 6.97 Giga Calorie per tonne of crude steel in 2009-10 to 6.57 Giga Calorie per tonne of crude steel in 2014-15. Notably, during the said year the specific electrical energy consumption reduced by 5.44% and specific thermal energy consumption came down by 3.1% over the previous year. 

The various steps taken by the Steel plant to enhance energy efficiency includes Pulverized Coal Injection in Blast Furnace-4 and 5, installation of Top pressure Recovery Turbine (TRT) in Blast Furnace-5 to generate 14 MW power, setting up of back pressure Turbo Generator (BPTG) in Coke Ovens Battery-6 to generate 6 MW power, commencement of energy efficient New Plate Mill Re-heating furnace with reduced heat consumption, installation of VVVF drive in stove air blowers of Blast Furnace-4, thermal insulation of 2000 square meter of steam pipelines etc.

Due to aforesaid endeavours RSP has accrued a savings of about Rs 48.02 crores on the energy head in the year 2014-15.

Notably, the Ministry of Power, Government of India, will be issuing the energy savings certificate to the organizations whose energy consumption is less than the prescribed norms as per gazetted notification for first PAT (Perform, Achieve & Trade) cycle. As a part of this, RSP was given a target to reduce overall specific energy consumption by 6%, against which the steel plant has achieved a reduction of 9%. The auditors after suitable auditing have recommended for issue of 42018 nos. of energy saving certificates to RSP, having a floor price of about Rs 45 crores. 


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