Stress laid on proper management of water resources

The seminar on ‘Embedded Electronic System for Water
Resource Management’ was recently organized jointly by Civil Engineering
Department and Electronics and Communication Engineering Department of National
Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela, and the Department of Water Resources.
Speaking on the occasion, Prof. Sunil Kumar Sarangi,
Director, NIT, Rourkela, underscored the need for multi-disciplinary approach
and to develop appropriate technology for effective water resource management
from grass root level itself with use of embedded electronic system and other
relevant technologies. S Mohanty of the Department of Water Resources and G
Sahoo of the same department also spoke about the need, scope and prospective
plan of water resources management in the state.
Participants of the programme opined that such seminar is
very useful as professionals and researchers from relevant areas of multi-disciplinary
field gathered and shared their experiences at field level supplemented by
relevant research finding which will go a long way in developing and monitoring
appropriate strategy for water resource management in the State.
Prof. N Roy, HOD and Prof. K K Khatua of Civil
Engineering Department, Prof. S Meher, HOD and Prof. D P Acharya of Electronics
and Communication Department, Secretary Public Relation, NIT Rourkela R K Sinha,
research scholars and other officials were present.
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