Estimate Committee of KLA visits BOC, Smart City Office in Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar: Lawmakers from India’s IT Capital Bengaluru were on a study tour to the Bhubaneswar Operations Centre (BOC) and the office of Bhubaneswar Smart City Limited (BSCL) and were happy to note the progress of various projects under BSCL. Bhubaneswar’s Smart City Proposal was adjudged the best one among the 100 cities from across the nation, for its citizen centric and child-friendly initiatives.

Eight members of the Estimate Committee of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly (KLA) from the Vidhan Soudha, Bengaluru, along with seven officials under the leadership of Sri K. Srinivasagowda, MLA, Chairman of the Committee, spent more than one and half hours inside the BSCL office and also enquired about city’s command and control centre and how things would converge in future to integrate all city-level services under its umbrella.

The members of the Estimate Committee of KLA including the Chairman, showed their interests to know more about parking management, adaptive traffic signalling system, effective coordination of various city-level line departments in implementing the Smart Janpath Project, Odyssey City Card under the Common City Payments System and how it would help in making cashless monetary transactions in all city-based services in the Temple City.

The Estimate Committee of KLA is on a study tour from October 10 to 14 and they would visit Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and New Delhi. During their visit the Committee will also meet the various House Committees of the respective states and their important projects under the Smart City Mission Programme.

After the visit to BOC, the Estimate Committee of KLA also visited Smart Janpath and Integrated Public Service Centre projects. Tomorrow they will go to the World Heritage Site monument, the Sun Temple at Konark, and will meet with the Sister Committee of Odisha Legislative Assembly and call on the Speaker of the Odisha Legislative Assembly (OLA).

The visiting delegation inside the BSCL office and BOC was briefed by BSCL General Manager (Operations) Bijay Kumar Swain, GM (E&T) Bijay Kumar Sahu and GM Saroj Kumar Swain, among others. The senior BSCL officials spoke about all infrastructure-based projects under the Bhubaneswar Town Centre District or Smart District and also other IT and Smart Transport related pan-city solutions.


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