Government announces sops for women SHGs under Mission Shakti
Rourkela: The Odisha Government today decided to provide financial
assistance of Rs. 10,000 each to one lakh women self-help groups (SHGs) during
2013-14 fiscal under Mission Shakti to make them more self-reliant.
A decision to this effect was taken at a high level
meeting presided over by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik at the State Secretariat
in Bhubaneswar. The women SHGs working in rural and urban areas will be
eligible for the assistance while 10 lakh women in the State will be benefited.
As per the eligibility criteria specified by the
Government, SHGs functioning for more than three years and with a saving of at
least Rs. 5000 in their savings bank account can avail the assistance under the
These SHGs will utilize the assistance by purchasing
improved equipment for agriculture work and improved chullah for their household works.
The accumulated time saved by the women can be
productively used to learn skills that help generate additional income and
savings and also to participate in community development work.
The assistance may also be used for improving the functioning
of the SHGs and making them more self-reliant. The SHGs may use it to improve
their accounting practices, procure storage for articles they produce and
improve office infrastructure. The decision on the use of this assistance must
be taken in a group meeting while procurement must be made in a transparent
All procured items must be stock entered. The selection
of the SHGs to be provided financial assistance under the scheme will be done
by a committee comprising the Collector as its chairman, along with the PD,
DRDA, District Agriculture Officer, General Manager, District Industries
Centre, Representatives of ORMAS, president/secretary of the District
Federation as its other members while the District Social Welfare Officer
(DSWO) will be the member convener.
The funds will be released to the SHGs through electronic
transfer. The SHGs will submit utilization certificates to the CDPO who after
compiling them will forward them to the DSWOs. The money utilized will be
recorded while all procured articles will be stock entered.
Among others, Development Commissioner J K Mohapatra,
Secretary, Women and Child Development Arati Ahuja, Secretary Panchayati Raj
Aparajita Sarangi and senior officials of the concerned departments were
present at the meeting.
It may be mentioned that Mission Shakti- a campaign for
the holistic empowerment of women was launched in the State in 2001. At present,
4.8 lakh SHGs are functioning in the State covering around 58 lakh members.
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