Dissatisfied Trade Unions threaten agitation

Rourkela: Trade unions of the Steel City have raised their voice to fight against the fixing of minimum wages of workers as declared by the state government. In this connection, State General Secretary of CITU Bishnu Mohanty, in a press briefing, yesterday at Shramik Bhawan said that the state government on October 6 had declared the minimum wages of workers after several memoranda were submitted and agitations by trade unions in Rourkela and other parts of the state.

In this regard, Mohanty informed that on February 28, 2012, demonstrations, gheraoes and jail bharo andolans were done for the demand of revision of pay scales for workers to a minimum of Rs 10,000 per month. Moreover, the trade unions had demanded Rs 334 per day for a worker. As per Minimum Wages Act 1948, a worker is entitled to a minimum wage of Rs 10,000 per month to maintain his/her livelihood.

The state government has declared a revision in minimum wages for workers. Mohanty added that as per notification by the state government, minimum wages for unskilled workers has been increased to Rs 150 a day, while semi-skilled workers will get Rs 170, Rs 190 for skilled workers and Rs 205 for highly skilled workers. Prior to the wage revision, the minimum wages for the four categories were Rs 90, Rs 103, Rs 116 and Rs 129 a day, respectively.

The revised wage would not change anything for the workers. In fact, the price rise will affect more than one crore workers of Odisha.

Mohanty stated that his and other trade unions will observe jail bharo andolan on December 18 and 19 this year in various parts of the state and will also do a Parliament gherao on December 20. He added that even then if the demands are not met, then all trade unions of the country will observe an all India strike for the first time for 48 hours on February 20 and 21, 2013.

He also informed that the puja bonus for Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) workers has been decreased to Rs 18,040 this year compared to Rs 18,200 last year. “Production in RSP has increased at least 130 per cent in comparison to previous year. Despite this, the workers are losing out on their bonus”, he alleged. 


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