ICCCS-2012 concludes

Rourkela: The 3-day 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Security (ICCCS)-2012 organised by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering of the Institute concluded today at NIT, Rourkela.

The conference sponsored by the Department of Information Technology, Government of India provided a common platform for experts from industry and academic to share their knowledge for promoting research and developing relevant technologies.

As many as 514 research articles from 11 countries were received. 124 were presented during the conference. About 150 delegates from India and abroad participated in the conference.

The conference aimed at bringing together academic scientists, professors, research scholars and students to share and disseminate information on scientific research related to communication, computing and security. The conference also deliberated the practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted.

Two experts from abroad are Dr. Lukas Kencl, Professor and Director, CTU Ericson-Vodafone R&D Centre, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic and Dr. Yung-Ming Li, Professor and Director, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan graced the conference.

Prof. S K Sarangi, Director of the Institute congratulated the department for successful conduct of the conference. 


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