RSP CEO lays stress on profitability

Rourkela: Enhancement of profitability and NSR through improved despatch should be the prime objective of the employees, G S Prasad, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) said today during his visit to the units that have achieved the APP targets in the month of November.

Accompanied by S N Roy, ED (Works), the CEO went on a visit to the Sinter Plant-II, Pipe Coating Plant, SWPP, Hot Strip Mill and R & C Lab.

At each of these departments, Prasad interacted with employees and lauded them for their excellent contribution and discussed about the future endeavours. He laid emphasis on increasing the despatch to maintain profitability of the plant.

Employees, on their part, assured the CEO that they would strive further to improve their performance and bring greater glory to the plant.


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