Human Rights Day celebrated

Rourkela: Taluk Legal Services Committee (TLSC), Panposh and Rourkela Bar Association (RBA) today organised Human Rights Day in the premises of Civil Court.

Speaking on the occasion Muralidhar Parija, a senior advocate, said that the United Nations’ General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December, 1948, to safeguard and promote human rights.

Parija added that all human beings are born with equal rights, fundamental freedom and dignity. The occasion calls for taking stock of how well we have fared since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights decades ago, he stated.

It is, therefore, necessary for our government to put in place adequate measures to promote human rights, and for legal instruments and public infrastructure to support the rights of Indians irrespective of place or circumstances of birth, added Parija.

The programme was presided over by Additional District Judge and Chairman of TLSC, Panposh, Janab Md Ajmal.

Among others Ramesh Chandra Bal, president RBA, Girish Chandra Mohapatra, senior advocate, Ajay Jena, DIPRO, Rourkela and other lawyers were present.


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